
Seals goes after Kirk on vet issues

Democratic challenger Dan Seals went for the throat Wednesday in his bid against U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk, challenging the Navy Reserve officer on veterans' issues the same day he lands backing from the VFW.

"When our men and women fight for us overseas, we must pledge to fight for them when they come home," said Seals, a Wilmette businessman making a second run against Kirk in one of the most-watched congressional races in the nation.

Kirk, who has served as an intelligence officer during conflicts in Iraq, Haiti and Bosnia, is currently running a TV ad touting his support of various veterans' issues. On Wednesday, he landed an endorsement from the political arm of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

"I know the troops and I have been one of them for almost 20 years," Kirk said, adding that he still serves at the Pentagon one weekend a month.

The Highland Park Republican said he helped save the North Chicago VA Medical Center and land it a $100 million expansion. He also supported the latest G.I. Bill expansion to cover college education and a beefed-up VA health care budget.

To counter, Seals pointed out 23 votes Kirk made in Congress against expanding veterans' funding, including health care, job training assistance and wartime bonuses. He also is attacking Kirk for supporting the Iraq war.

"We want to bring our troops home honorably, safely and soon," Seals said.

Seals was backed at Wednesday's news conference by about half a dozen veterans and Tammy Duckworth, who heads the Illinois Veterans Affairs Department. Seals and Duckworth spoke sitting under a U.S. Navy banner at an AMVETS hall the campaign rented out in Wheeling.

Duckworth has been touted as a national Democratic spokeswoman on veterans' issues, and she landed a key speaking role at the party's national convention in Denver. In 2006, Duckworth lost a bid against Wheaton Republican Peter Roskam in the 6th District just south of Kirk's 10th District.

In that race, the national VFW endorsed Roskam even though Duckworth lost both her legs as a helicopter pilot in the Iraq war. On Tuesday she scoffed at the VFW's endorsement of Kirk.

"We all know what that is worth," she said.

Duckworth said she attended the news conference on her own time. But she did use a state minivan to get to and from the event. A state spokeswoman says Duckworth is reimbursing the state for the use of the car.

Mark Kirk
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