
Cuts save pennies, but cost society

As a member of District 204's special needs PTA, I read Justin Kmitch's article, "District 204 group pushing to maintain special needs funding," with great interest and with deep compassion for all the parents who are fighting state budget cuts to services so vital to their children's well-being.

I was proud of my PTA's leadership and membership last week when we voted unanimously to affirm our state PTA's support of House Bill 174. All Illinoisans will benefit from a fair and balanced approach to our state's budget shortfall: reform; thoughtfully targeted and carefully implemented cuts; and a moderate increase in the state income tax, as articulated in HB 174. Urge our elected officials: Don't shortchange our children with shortsighted budget manipulations. Stay in Springfield and do the hard work that is necessary to balance the state budget and meet our children's needs.

While cuts to programs and services may save pennies in the short-run, they cost our society dearly in the long-run. And cuts alone cannot possibly fill the gigantic budget hole we face. Every moment of every day provides precious opportunity for learning when you're dealing with children with disabilities. If there is any disruption in services, the valuable time we lose can never be made up.

Let's honor all of our children by crafting a budget that ensures our children with disabilities live full, happy, healthy, productive lives and ultimately make positive contributions to our District 204 community.

Melissa Meighen


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