
Obama makes amends for Reagan's gaffe

The deregulation of The New Deal policies by the Reagan administration ultimately put the American public in its current comprising economic situation.

Within the first two years of his presidency, Reagan and his administration drastically cut economic regulation in hopes of restimulating the American market and industry. Though it was a success, primarily for the economic elite, it falsely provided the lower and middle classes with the opportunity of social and economic upward mobility.

In 1979, less than one percent of the population controlled 22 percent of the nation's wealth, and by 1989, that figure had skyrocketed to 39 percent.

It was in the best interests of Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ and even Nixon, a neoconservative, to maintain the New Deal policies in order to provide government health, social, and economic services.

As Americans, we cannot blame the actions of the recent Bush Administration for our economic situation or the Clinton administration, because the democratic process can blanket the future consequences of its current legislation. And as in regard to the people who quote the founding fathers, remember they, too, believed in government interaction with the American public for the sake of maintaining the democratic process to be a communal one.

The Obama administration has done its research, and it is evident that they are taking the right steps to stabilize the American market and its industries and redevelop the government regulation that the Reagan Administration carelessly threw away.

Ryan J. Olsen


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