
Let's audit the insurance companies

The first thing to do to reduce the cost of health care is to decrease the amount of money being spent on it. There is a trillion dollars more being spent in the health care industry than needs to be spent right now. Healthcare won't police itself, so forget that. Congress must hire a solid auditing firm with the order to examine four large health care suppliers to ascertain where the money is being spent and show with complete transparency that the waste is there. The emphasis must be first on reducing costs, not finding more people to bring into the system and more products to spend money on.

Congressman George Miller of California has said the Congress must bring in outside people to fiscally take apart four large health care suppliers to see where the poorly allocated dollars are being spent. If you want your health care reduced, you must write or call your representatives, specifically demanding that they bring in an auditing firm that can pull out the numbers.

The companies predictably will complain because their out-of-date methods are being questioned, and they like things just the way they are. The cost of health care is rising every year as a percent of our gross domestic product. There are reasons for this and we have to have them. Demand that your congressman and senators bring in an accounting firm to reduce the cost of health care as is, first. People who don't want to do this should be replaced. It is that important.

Chuck Barr Jr.

St. Charles

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