
Don't single out pit bulls

I would just like to provide a comment on the "dog issue/ban" discussions that may be going on within the city of Elgin. I have lived in Elgin for 25 years, the past 10-plus years in the Northeast Neighborhood Association.

My dog has been bitten three times in this period of time; seriously enough for lengthy hospital stays and care. And all three times he has been leashed and in the hands of either myself or my partner.

The first time, I was just bringing him out my front door onto my porch preparing to walk him and, whoom, all of a sudden both he and I were attacked by a loose, unleashed dog without an owner. Bad enough to require a hospital visit and stitches to both of us.

The second time, my partner was walking him in the neighborhood and my leashed dog was attacked again, by a different loose, unleashed dog without an owner present. My dog again was hospitalized.

The third time I was walking him and a third dog - yes different breed, loose and unleashed, attacked us while I walked my leashed dog, again resulting in emergency/hospital care.

Police reports were filed as appropriate; according to Sherman Hospital, "dogs held for 2-3 days and then returned to their owners." Owners did reimburse me for my dog's vet bills and my insurance covered my injuries. And believe it or not, none of the three dogs were pit bulls. And believe it or not two of the three dogs, I believe, still live in the neighborhood.

So, please, if you're looking at solutions to this proven problem, don't just look specifically at breeds.

Jennifer Almanza


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