
Cheney has done plenty to harm GOP

The recent letter about Dick Cheney by Robert Morgan hit the nail on the head. It brings to mind the saying, "How can we miss you if you don't go away!"

Mr. Cheney has done more than his share in the ongoing destruction of the Republican Party. At least his former puppet, George Bush, has had the good sense to mostly keep his mouth shut. There are plenty of other people to speak for him, though.

All the people who miss Ronald Regan are making themselves heard day in and day out. Rush Limbaugh could keep a large wind farm going forever by continuing to make a parody of himself every day. Sarah Palin takes so long to answer a question that the asker forgets what it was that they asked. The other "leaders" just say "no" to everything just in case someone else might have an idea with merit. The counterbudgets and proposals that they produce are without numbers and when they do have any they are produced by placing the burdens on the backs of the poor and needy.

They go crazy at the word or concept of Socialism that was connected to Communism by the renegade Republican Sen. Joseph McCarthy. While they are professing their religious beliefs and family values, more of these guys seem to get caught with their pants down than the Democrats.

They forget about Christian Socialism, something that has been around for 2000 years. Claiming that the United States is a Christian country (only 72 percent claim to be that) they lambaste the other Abrahamic religions of Judaism and Islam. All three demand that alms and care should be given to the poor and needy and many do, formally or informally. Just because the government does it doesn't make it any less of a requirement for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

If the Republican Party wants to survive it had better wake up and smell the moderation in this country. People are tired of political combat and confrontation and want to get some positive action in making this a better place to live. We all want the same thing basically everywhere: a roof over one's head, a decent paying job that affords some dignity, and food on the table. Is this too much to ask?

Raleigh Sutton


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