
DuPage group helps seniors remain healthy, independent

Odds are, you've heard about many of the things the DuPage Senior Citizens Council does. And odds are, you or someone you love may someday benefit from the group's efforts.

Since 1975, the council has worked with the county's aging population to ensure residents have a safe place to live and a good meal each day. For seniors who are mobile, the council's Nutrition Program offers a community dining program; for the home-bound it delivers meals. Through the Home Maintenance Program, seniors who could use a hand around the house can get help with minor home repairs and yard cleanup on Chore Days.

More than 4,000 seniors will receive help this year, says Patricia Sims, the council's volunteer and communications coordinator.

"For many seniors in DuPage County, these services are key for them to remain healthy, independent and in their homes," Sims said.

To help pay for the programs, the council is having Beat the Odds, a raffle promising a one in 1,000 shot at one of 10 cash prizes. Tickets are on sale through the drawing on Thursday, Sept. 18.

Sims recently described the council and its programs.

Q. What is your mission?

A. The DuPage Senior Citizens Council initiates, delivers, monitors and coordinates services that promote the ability of older people to live in dignity.

Q. How do you work toward accomplishing that goal?

A. Through the efforts of a small staff and lots of dedicated volunteers, a variety of programs are offered to help seniors live safely in their own homes and communities, and provide them the opportunity to maintain their physical and mental health.

Programs include Home Delivered Meals for homebound seniors, Community Dining for active seniors, Chore Days offering semiannual yard clean up, and Home Maintenance providing minor home repairs and contractor referrals.

Q. Who do you serve?

A. DuPage County senior citizens

Q. When and why did the council start? How has it grown?

A. The DuPage Senior Citizens Council has been in existence since 1975. Originally, our focus was limited to helping seniors with housing issues. In the early 1980s, we were awarded the contract to provide what is commonly referred to as "Meals On Wheels" in DuPage County.

Q. What kind of successes have you had?

A. The success of our organization can be measured through the lives we save each year. We have incorporated a wellness check into our home-delivered meal program. With the wellness check, volunteers are trained to be observant of the seniors' well-being and surroundings. Dozens of seniors needing immediate care are rescued by our volunteers each year.

Our successes also include that we have been in existence since 1975, continuously changing and adapting our programs to each new generation of seniors.

Q. What challenges does the council currently face?

A. Our greatest challenge is keeping pace with rising costs. Also, in recent years, we have found there is increasing competition with other nonprofit organizations to recruit volunteers.

Q. What would surprise most people if they spent a week with the organization?

A. The volume of meals we serve each year is very surprising. Each year 350,000 meals are served to seniors throughout DuPage County. Unfortunately, many seniors in DuPage County are in dire need of assistance and are not affluent.

Q. How can readers get involved?

A. Volunteers are vital to our organization. Please consider volunteering to deliver meals to seniors, help in the dining centers by packing food and serving diners, or by doing yard cleanup for our Chore Days program.

DuPage Senior Citizens Council warmly welcomes donations and bequests. Even though we are an organization of volunteers, we need help. Financial contributions ensure that we can continue our programs to help older people live happier, more independent lives. All contributions are tax deductible.

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Current fundraiser

What: Beat the Odds raffle

Why: To raise $40,000 to support DuPage Senior Citizens Council programs

Details: 10 cash prizes including a $3,500 grand prize

When: Drawing is Sept. 18 at the council's annual meeting; winners need not be present

Tickets: $5 each, 6 for $25

Enter: (630) 620-0804

Vital statistics

Number of contacts per year: 1,000 requests for general information, 500 requests for home maintenance services, 3,250 requests for nutrition services

Annual budget: $2.75 million

Sources of funding: Donations and fundraising, 43 percent; federal and state grants, 42 percent; United Way, 8 percent; municipal grants, 7 percent

Full-time employees: 12

Volunteers: 1,000

Current donation wish list: Routing system (like UPS), warehouse space for storage, location to host a senior center with at least 5,000 square feet, large color copier, meal delivery truck with hot and cold compartments, van to transport seniors, development software, board member referrals, donated services including printing, graphic arts, mailing services

Address: 1919 S Highland Ave., A-210, Lombard, 60148

Phone: (630) 620-0804

Web site:

Volunteer e-mail:

DuPage Senior Citizens Council offers daily meals at Nutrition Sites throughout the county. Courtesy DuPage Senior Citizens Council
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