
Silent majority silent no longer

The silent majority can remain silent no longer.

We are under attack from all levels of government. The federal government is trying to increase our energy cost in an effort to regulate its use. The House of Representatives just passed the cap and trade bill, which will drastically increase the costs of energy we use.

According to the Heritage Foundation; an average family of four will incur an additional $4,600 a year in expenses as a result of this bill. This bill is a disguised tax. In the form of actual taxes the State of Illinois is contemplating doubling our current income tax, the federal government will eventually need to increase our taxes to repay the stimulus package recently passed, and we can expect a real decrease in our standard of living over the next 10 years.

The middle class has to begin to mobilize and be heard; the special interest groups that keep marching and calling for tax increases to save public jobs and services we can no longer afford have to be drowned out by the majority of us who can no longer continue to foot the bill.

I urge all taxpayers to call Sen. Durbin at (312) 353-4952 and Sen. Burris at (312) 886-3506 and ask them to vote against cap and trade and preserve the American dream. I ask the silent majority not to remain silent. The last time the masses of a country remained complacent while their government propagated their agenda resulted in a world war.

Rep. Mark Kirk voted for the cap and trade bill; let's remember that if he runs for future elections.

Joseph J Carroll

South Elgin

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