
Is it treason or patriotism?

The Fourth of July is a celebration of our Declaration of Independence from England. It is the document declaring we have the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It also tells us "we the people" in order to secure these rights, can form governments. It also tells us if the government fails to do this, "we the people" can alter or abolish the government and institute a new one.

The question everyone should be asking himself is: "Is it time to abolish the current government and institute a new one?"

After all, hasn't our government gradually been eroding our liberties for nearly a century? With government aiding and abetting corporate America in the outsourcing of jobs, the pursuit of happiness is being greatly curtailed. I know we do not have a right for a job, but by the same token, the government is not empowered to deny us the opportunity to find work and that is what it is doing when jobs are outsourced.

With two out of three requirements not being fulfilled, does it not seem logical to either demand our employees to either do their jobs or join the ranks of the unemployed?

Some would argue my comments seem treasonous because, to those ignorant of the contents of the Declaration of Independence, I am being disloyal to this great nation of ours. On the contrary, I am not only loyal, I am patriotic. I am demanding our politicians not to covertly or overtly act in a treasonous manner and start protecting our rights, not diminish them.

Every school should require every student read and understand the events that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence. Then "we the people" should do the same to those who govern us.

Manfred W. Czymmek


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