
Endorsement: Barrington parks referendum

No one has to be told that these are not the economic times to be promoting avoidable expenses. Reasonable needs, however, must still be addressed, and the Barrington Park District's proposal to issue bonds to upgrade its recreational facility falls in that category.

The district has been investigating options for improvements at Langendorf Park for a decade or more. The existing facility, built in 1930, not only is deteriorating but is too small to accommodate the demands of a vibrant community in the 21st century. Its indoor gym is too small for current demands, and the facility cannot provide space for community programs.

The proposed improvements -- funded through the sale of $12 million in bonds -- would create a nearly 56,000-square-foot center including a double gym, walking track, community rooms and space for popular programs like arts and crafts, dancing and exercise. The facility would also have separate, dedicated spaces for preschool programs and offerings for senior citizens.

The Barrington district does not come to voters lightly. As with its Citizens Park project, it has a history of managing recreation funds responsibly. Its plans for the Langendorf facility grew out of a process that gathered ideas from across the community, and its proposals are built on the premise that the district would save those portions of the existing facility that are still usable. It would expand in those areas where clear local needs are identified.

District officials say the plan would cost the owners of a $500,000 home about $165 a year on the park district portion of their tax bill.

In difficult economic times, that is not an amount to take lightly. Yet the Barrington Park District's needs for a recreation center are real and immediate, and officials have demonstrated fiscal responsibility both in their management of previous resources and in their expectations for these. We recommend a yes vote to issue bonds for this new project.

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