
Obama's appeal is in the defying of racial stereotypes

In a thoughtful Atlantic Monthly essay touting Barack Obama last month, political commentator Andrew Sullivan revealed his disappointment with a speech the Illinois senator gave on tax policy in September. Sullivan was less than enthusiastic, describing the address as "wooden, stilted, even tedious." But then, Sullivan noted, that was part of its appeal. "It was only after I left the hotel that it occurred to me that I'd just been bored on tax policy by a national black leader. That I should have been struck by this was born in my own racial stereotypes, of course. But it won me over."

What? No rhythm or rhyme?

Obama's insistence on defying stereotypes has been at the core of his popularity. He is bright, sometimes boring, often engaging, thoughtful, occasionally cranky, visionary, usually well-informed, sometimes slightly self-righteous. In other words, he is a presidential candidate who happens to be black -- not a black presidential candidate. For those eager for America to grow into a mature accommodation with its racial diversity, that's hopeful, reinvigorating.

In another 30 days or so, it will be clear whether Obama's campaign is a mere moment of wonder and curiosity or a genuine political movement. His most daunting test will come on Feb. 5, a Tsunami Tuesday of multistate primaries and caucuses. If he loses most of those critical contests, his presidential campaign will likely be too wounded to limp forward.

He wouldn't be a failure, by any means. He'd have done his part to further the "post-racial" realignment of American politics, along with such distinguished officials as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. Obama would return to the Senate with the experience he's gained from the campaign trail.

But Obama will be in the game for South Carolina's Jan. 26 Democratic primary, forcing pundits and voters alike to fully evaluate his potential as the next president of the United States. And that will take the American electorate to a place it has never been. He will be tested. So will we. While this country has made great strides toward genuine racial equality over the last 50 years, we're still hampered by a race-consciousness that lurks just below the surface, where stereotype, prejudice and unconscious judgments override rational considerations. That's true for all of us -- black, white and brown.

Last fall, in a rambling and nonsensical endorsement of Sen. Hillary Clinton, civil rights legend Andrew Young -- who, believe it or not, was once a diplomat -- declared: "Hillary has Bill behind her, and Bill is every bit as black as Barack. He's probably gone with more black women than Barack." Oh, my goodness.

Since Obama announced his intention to seek the presidency, he has been dogged by a persistent undercurrent that suggests he is somehow not quite "black enough."

According to Pew Center researchers, a review of exit polls and electoral outcomes in recent elections featuring black candidates running against whites "suggests that fewer people are making judgments about candidates based solely, or even mostly, on race."

Whatever happens, Obama has already achieved something that would have seemed impossible just a few decades ago.

© 2008, Universal Press Syndicate

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