
Judy Biggert endorses Giuliani

U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert endorsed Rudolph Giuliani for the Republican presidential nomination Monday, saying his strength on security issues and ability to work with Democrats will appeal to suburban voters.

"He showed the whole country that he can lead during difficult times and there is no question that these are difficult times now," said Biggert, a Hinsdale Republican who represents the 13th Congressional District.

Biggert was joined at Giuliani's Illinois headquarters in downtown Lisle by fellow Republican U.S. Rep. Jerry Weller of Morris, who called the former New York City mayor the "Ronald Reagan of the 2008 election" due to his positive message.

Biggert said she liked Giuliani's moderate views on social issues like abortion and would tell wary conservatives that the party needs to come together in a "big tent" to elect a president next year.

Overall, the suburban congressional delegation is divided up among the GOP presidential hopefuls. Reps. Mark Kirk of Highland Park and Peter Roskam of Wheaton are backing Arizona Sen. John McCain. Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. And Rep. Don Manzullo, whose district includes much of McHenry County, is an early backer of former Sen. Fred Thompson.

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