
Wheels Rallye a fun night and a good cause

So you are looking for an event to take your date to that is fun, will leave a good impression (of course), is meaningful (in the sense that it has a ripple effect) and in which you both will be able to participate?

That's quite a tall order, but lucky for you and your date, I happen to know of an event that covers all of your needs.

There is nothing more fun than laughing it up, nor impressive and meaningful than a fund-raiser for an undisputable good cause in which you both can take part. So grab your date (double or triple date for this event) and head on out to the Famous Puzzler Road Rallye.

On Sept. 18, Wheels Rallye Team, on behalf and support of UPS for DownS, will present a car rally fund-raiser.

"This rally is a great way for people to have fun and contribute to a great organization that helps hundreds of families in the Chicagoland area," said Gary Sakata, the event organizer. (Not to mention a great way for you and your date to spend a little time bonding in a team environment.)

Wheels Rallye Team has sponsored some 200 car rallies and designed this event so that even first-timers can understand the rules with ease.

So what is a puzzle rally? I am so glad that you asked!

Rallying is best described as a board game on wheels.

At the beginning of a puzzle, rally teams (that's you and your date) are provided with a map and clues and presented with a group of puzzles - each with an answer leading to a number.

This would be a great time to choose who's in charge of this "stuff." Let's face it, women are naturally more organized, so men, don't think about this one too hard - let your date take control of those reins.

Then, Team Date, find the corresponding number on the map and drive to that location.

Ladies, to be fair, you are in charge of all the stuff - just let the boys drive.

When you arrive at the location, the second part of the Puzzler begins to unfold as you search for the special "clue word" that has been hidden at that location by using the hints provided at the start of the event.

Once Team Date has discovered the clue word, go to the next puzzle, and then the next puzzle after that until all of the puzzles have been solved or until all of your team's time has run out.

This year's event will feature a group of 20 puzzles that vary in complexity from difficult to easy, then easier and easiest.

If you are not an expert puzzle solver or if you have never participated in a rally before, don't sweat it, no previous road rally experience is required! In 2000, a first-time rallyist won the event.

Just grab your date, or set up a group date, and get ready to have a fun-filled evening of entertainment while benefiting a great cause.

Don't forget to bring a flashlight, your brain and a sense of humor.

All proceeds benefit UPS for DownS, a nonprofit corporation offering support, acceptance and encouragement for more than 25 years to parents with families of persons with Down syndrome.

UPS for DownS serves hundreds of families in the Chicago/Metro area and is a parent-run, volunteer organization that accomplishes informational and outreach activities with minimal financial resources.

The Famous Puzzler Rallye

When: Saturday, Sept. 13; beginner's school at 6:45, cars leave at about 7:15 p.m.

Where: Woodfield Shopping Center in Schaumburg, at Light Pole B-2, west of the Firestone.

Cost: $25/car (tax deductible) if preregistered before Sept. 10. $30/car otherwise.

Preregister: Send check payable to UPS for DownS, with your name, address, e-mail and phone number to:

Famous Puzzler c/o Sakata

706 Fieldstone Court

Inverness, IL 60010

About UPS for DownS

UPS for DownS, Hartford Plaza, 1070 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg, 60193

(847) 895-2100

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