
Kirk, Seals argue over combative TV ads

Democratic challenger Dan Seals and U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk traded barbs Thursday over contentious TV ads they are running in the Northwest suburban campaign.

"I think we ought to know - what did you do at GE? What did you say about the practices of this division?" Kirk said to his opponent during a brief WTTW televised debate in reference to Seals' work for a faltering financial company.

Kirk's latest commercial raises questions about Seals' earlier work as a director of marketing for GE Capital, which was recently hit hard by the subprime mortgage meltdown.

Kirk has repeatedly tried to tie Seals' work there to the financial collapse, but Seals has repeatedly said he didn't deal with subprime mortgages and only worked on commercial real estate.

"This is a ridiculous notion to think that I somehow had some hand in creating this meltdown," said Seals, a Wilmette business consultant. "If you understand finance, you would know that commercial lending has nothing to do with it."

Seals was also asked about ads he has run trying to connect Kirk to President Bush.

Seals defended the ads, saying Kirk sided with Bush on the Iraq war and his budget plans, among other measures.

Kirk pointed out he is backed by traditionally Democratic groups, including the Sierra Club, and that he has been rated by Washington publications as an "independent" Republican.

"I may be a unique animal in the House," Kirk said.

Seals is making his second run against Kirk, having lost with 47 percent of the vote in 2006.

Kirk, a Naval Reserve officer from Highland Park, is seeking his fourth term.

The 10th District includes portions of northwest Cook County and eastern Lake County.

Mark Kirk
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