
County hires two lobbying firms

DuPage County leaders hope a $280,000 investment will net millions in return.

Board members last week agreed to hire two lobbying firms to push for grants and favorable legislation from the federal government.

The decision comes as the county is facing a budget crunch and looking at cuts across the board. But officials reasoned that they couldn't afford not to have a loud voice in Washington.

"It's a no-brainer," Board Member Pam Rion said, adding DuPage had garnered $200 million in federal dollars since it began using lobbyists in 1999.

The firm of Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell and Berkowitz will be paid $180,000 and will be focusing on transportation issues.

Several crucial areas include funding for western access to O'Hare International Airport and opening up economic opportunities for the DuPage Airport. The most recent federal transportation bill in 2005 pledged $140 million for western access, which has to be protected, county legislative staff said.

The DuPage Airport Authority will finance $60,000 of the fees to Baker et al.

The firm of Barnes and Thornburg LLP will be paid $100,000. The lobbyists will focus on the Illinois delegation and also give DuPage officials tips about grant opportunities.

Both firms are allied with Democrats and Republicans, staff members said.

Considering the shift in Congress to a Democratic majority in late 2006, it was also necessary for the county, whose county, federal and state elected leaders are all Republicans, to get a bipartisan champion in Washington, officials said. The region also lost clout when Democrats took over the House speaker's job held by U.S. Rep. Dennis Hastert.

"Given the changes, it's even more essential to continue to hire federal lobbyists," Rion said.

The contract with the county's previous federal lobbying firm, Ryan Phillips Utrecht and MacKinnon, expired in December. It was for $190,000, officials said.

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