
Prospect Hts. could have new leader

Who will lead Prospect Heights in the near future?

That's the question city aldermen will grapple with tonight. As it stands now, the city is leaderless with the resignation of Rodney Pace on Friday.

Alderman John Styler predicted Wednesday that Alderman Patrick Ludvigsen would be the board's pick. So far, he seems the most likely contender, especially after Pace gave him his blessing.

Pace stopped short of officially endorsing Ludvigsen but strongly supported him when he said he was the most qualified for the job.

Ludvigsen, one of the council's longer-serving alderman, said he's interested in the city's top spot.

"I'd like to finish Rodney's term because I think it's important that we have continuity," he said. "I have been around for five years (on the city council), so you know what you are getting with me."

It came as a shock to some Friday that the recently re-elected Pace, 49, was stepping down, citing unspecified health issues.

At 7 tonight at the Gary Morova Center, 110 W. Camp McDonald Road, the council will meet in emergency session to discuss the city's future.

One of the board's five aldermen will become acting mayor, City Administrator Pam Arrigoni said.

The board is expected to discuss its options in closed session and return with a decision. There will be no opportunity for public comments during open session, she said.

Whoever is chosen can relinquish his or her aldermanic seat to enjoy the powers of a mayor. If that happens, the board would then have to appoint a new alderman.

But the alderman could keep his or her seat, presiding over the meetings and voting with the board on issues, she said. The mayor votes only in event of a tie.

Whoever the city council picks will be facing significant issues on multiple fronts.

Voters have rejected multiple tax-rate increase requests in the cash-strapped city, which is in the early stages of rebuilding its city hall. Last year, an arsonist set it ablaze, burning it to the ground.

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