
Nominate your Mt. Prospect Shining Star

A mailman alerted a sleeping elderly woman that her home was on fire.

A man donated a kidney to his wife's friend's mother.

A couple fostered 104 kids over the years.

All of these people were past winners of the Mount Prospect Shining Star Awards. Now, the village is looking to hand out another batch to village givers.

For the past 15 years, the village has recognized special people and organizations that have made the village a better place to live.

"It's an award that Mount Prospect created to recognize people who have gone above and beyond the call of duty," said Tom Zander, chairman of the Mount Prospect Special Events Commission.

Winners get a plaque and a picture with the mayor, Irvana Wilks, and the "eternal recognition as a shining star," Zander said.

The deadline for nominations is November 15.

Here are the categories:

• Beautify Mount Prospect -- Individual or group who has made a special effort to enhance the physical character of the village.

• Best Business Partner -- Business in Mount Prospect that has gone out of its way to be a good corporate citizen.

• Champion for Youth -- Individual who enriches the life of young people.

• Youth Should be Served -- Volunteer or part-time worker who champions the causes of youth.

• Good, Better, Best Neighbor -- Individual who has gone out of the way to be a good neighbor.

• Hometown -- Individual whose efforts promote the feeling of community.

• Living Legend -- Individual who has achieved nearly legendary standing in the community.

• Open Arms -- Individual who has opened arms to the needy or less fortunate.

• Rising Star -- Junior high or high school student who goes beyond what is expected of him or her.

• Unsung Hero -- Individual who does a thankless job.

• Ought to be More People Like This -- Individual who is virtually indispensable to an organization.

• Toast of Town -- Individual who has contributed to the cultural life of the community.

Nomination forms are available on the Web site,

The awards will be presented at Celestial Celebration XV, which is the annual village gala, scheduled for Feb. 2 at Bristol Court in Mount Prospect .

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