
Dundee historical society needs help tracking plaques

When you live in an old town, the people who keep track of the old things in it have their hands full.

They not only have to know the age of buildings, but where the oldest ones are.

The job is big -- but the longer they do it, sometimes the easier it gets. Remember, though; "sometimes" is the important word here.

The Dundee Township Historical Society has been putting plaques on historic buildings in East Dundee and West Dundee and Carpentersville for decades. Members know where most of them are, but not all of their locations.

So, they are asking people who live and work in the buildings to call the society's museum and tell them where they are.

"We had a card file where all the buildings are, but it's not complete," said Marge Edwards, the society's president-elect. "It would be nice to know where all the plaques are."

About 155 are out there, said Jack Wendt, who chairs the historic sites committee.

"We don't just plaque homes and business; we plaqued a park. That was Carpenter Park," he said. "We look for significant structures or places that are at least 100 years old."

To be considered, owners complete an application. They are asked to provide as much information about the building as possible, including when it was built, who built it and who had lived in it. A photograph of the first owner is helpful.

Then, committee members drive to Kane County offices in Geneva and look over deeds and maps of the property. There, they also can look up its past sales.

"We look for buildings that have original brick or wood siding," Wendt said. "We also look at improvements that have been made to the structures. We want them to have the same character as when they were built."

If the information checks out, society members make the plaques and give them to the owners. It's up to them to display it on the buildings.

Some people proudly display the plaques. Others take them down when they sell the building, he said.

A plaque doesn't require owners to follow guidelines when they paint or fix their buildings. They just let people know their houses or businesses are at least 100 years old.

If your house has a plaque or you want more information, call the society at (847) 428-6996.

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