
‘Uncaged’ exhibit at St. Charles church features artwork by detained migrant children

The Congregational United Church of Christ in Campton Hills is hosting the “Uncaged” art exhibit featuring artwork by children held in the detention center that opened on June 14, 2018, in Tornillo, Texas.

Over the eight months of its operation, 6,200 children were held in tents in Tornilla, a small border town. Tornillo came to symbolize the mass detention of migrant children. A group of teachers visited the youngsters, inviting them to express their pride their countries of origin through art, and the children produced 200 pieces of art.

When the Tornilla detention center closed, officials began throwing out the artwork. A local Catholic priest recovered 29 pieces, and later stated “What came through in the art was the strong spirit of these young men and women … who, even under those conditions were still inspired to do something beautiful.”

The exhibit is sponsored by the Sanctuary Task Force, Anti-racism Commission, Hispanic Affairs Committee, and Peace and Justice Committee. It has appeared in the Southwest, California and is now touring the Midwest at churches, nonprofits, schools and libraries. The goal is to share the experience of immigrant detention, particularly of children, through art.

The exhibit will be at the church at 40W451 Fox Mill Blvd. until the first week of June.

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