
Hunger Resource Network surpasses fundraising goal at annual luncheon

The recent Hunger Resource Network (HRN) annual luncheon exceeded its fundraising goal, enabling the nonprofit organization to continue to distribute 240,000 pounds of frozen chicken annually throughout the Chicago area.

“HRN extends a heartfelt thank you to all who participated in the luncheon, as their generosity and support will make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need,” said Dan Jariabka, president, HRN, who founded the organization with his wife, Linda.

The luncheon keynote speaker, Steve Dolinsky, known as ‘The Food Guy,’ was presented a “Hunger Hero” award. He discussed food insecurity and the importance of being involved in your own community to eliminate this problem in the richest nation in the history of the world.

In addition, HRN board member, Amy Levin Schneider, shared her personal story and the critical role HRN fulfills in lessening hunger throughout the area.

The event was held at Chevy Chase Country Club, Wheeling, with nearly 300 attendees in support of HRN’s mission.

Hunger Resource Network hosts “Poultry to Pantries Day” events twice yearly in the Spring (March 16) and Fall (Nov. 16, 2024). They are conducted at HRN’s headquarters in Northbrook.

“Poultry to Pantries Day” is another important reminder that food insecurity has no boundaries. It is the day when 120,000 pounds of frozen 10-pound packages of chicken are distributed to almost 100 food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters throughout the Chicago area to help lessen hunger in food insecure households.

“Each one-half pound of chicken equals one serving of healthy protein. The need is so great most of the chicken is served that evening or within a few days,” said Kerry Smith, director of Development at HRN.

HRN by the Numbers: Making a big difference

Since 2009, Hunger Resource Network has distributed over 4.5 million pounds of food to more than 100 nonprofit recipient agencies including food pantries, homeless shelters and charitable organizations.

In addition, HRN has:

•Rescued tens of thousands of produce, day-old bakery goods and the like that would have ended up in landfills or composts.

•Distributed over 30,000 nutritionally designed meals and hundreds of personal care packs to needy students.

•Assisted hundreds of seniors to access food from local food pantries.

Get Ready to Tee Off: HRN Golf Outing on Wednesday, Aug. 7

Residents are invited to “Help Feed the Need” and participate in the 2024 HRN Golf Outing on Wednesday, Aug. 7 at Chevy Chase Country Club, Wheeling.

This fundraiser features a competitively fun 18-hole scramble tournament, lunch, a ball drop, a raffle, awards, entertainment and a cocktail reception.

Featuring special guests: Master of Ceremonies: Jesse Rogers, & ESPN radio, with entertainment by Israel Mandrake, mentalist, hypnotist and mindset coach.

Interested in golfing, sponsoring, donating to the raffle or ball drop, or joining us for the cocktail reception? Visit or call Kerry Smith at (847) 272-1700.

About Hunger Resource Network

HRN is a 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to working in partnership with corporations, organizations and individuals who share a commitment to feed the hungry.

Its mission is to aid in the alleviation of hunger by helping meet the needs of food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters. There are dozens of businesses and foundations who are HRN benefactors. Visit:

Become a ‘Hunger Hero’

For additional information, volunteer or donate, contact HRN at (847) 272-1700 or go to

To Donate and become a Hunger Hero:

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