
Rosecrance offers tips on how to avoid PTSD triggers during patriotic holidays

Crystal Lake, Ill. — As the skies will soon be lit up with Independence Day fireworks shows, it's important to consider that the loud explosions may trigger fear and apprehension in some individuals.

About 13 million Americans have been directly impacted by post-traumatic stress disorder. This significant mental health condition emerges following exposure to major traumas such as combat, interpersonal violence, childhood abuse, or life-threatening accidents.

“These events can be difficult for millions of individuals because fireworks create sights, sounds, and smells that can activate flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety, all symptoms of PTSD,” said Rosecrance’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Raymond Garcia.

Getting past the loud sounds, flashes, and smells of fireworks may be difficult but not impossible.

Friends and loved ones who are aware of a person’s triggers can offer support by helping them practice mindfulness techniques during an event or when encountering an unexpected fireworks display.

Those affected by fireworks consider these tips to prepare for expected and unexpected fireworks:

• Avoid events where fireworks displays are planned.

• Invest in earplugs or noise-canceling headphones.

• Focus on building mindfulness techniques to stay grounded in the moment.

• Plan ahead if going out by asking or researching if fireworks will be lit at an event

Rosecrance Behavioral Health offers hope, healing, and a way forward for individuals who are struggling with their mental health or substance use. For information, call (888) 928-5278.

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