
Climate change and American greatness

Coming off the hottest year on record, areas of Florida and Texas have been inundated by downpours and ocean surges, severe heat has blistered the Southwest including Phoenix, a stifling heat wave has extended from the Midwest to New England, and wildfires have raged in the Southwest including in Southern California.

For decades climate scientists have predicted that this kind of extreme weather would become more frequent as global warming increased from burning fossil fuels.

Yet at a recent dinner with oil company executives, Donald Trump sought $1 billion in campaign contributions, saying if elected he would roll back President Biden’s actions against climate change and they would profit far more than their contributions.

We are in the early stages of climate change already causing vast destruction. We are on track for increased warming, which will bring even more severe weather and destruction.

Ask people whose homes, businesses and schools have been flooded, destroyed by storms and burned down and who have to contend with increased heat if this is making America great again.

Richard Barsanti

Western Springs

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