
Mosquitoes test positive for West Nile in Bartlett, Wood Dale

Mosquito batches collected in Bartlett and Wood Dale are the first to test positive for West Nile virus this year in DuPage County.

The virus-positive pools of mosquitoes were collected in Bartlett on June 18 and then in Wood Dale on June 27, according to the county health department.

So far this year, there have been no reported human cases of West Nile in DuPage. However, public health officials say positive mosquito pools are associated with an increased risk of infection in people.

Experts recommend following the four ā€œDā€™sā€ of defense this summer.

Drain items that collect standing water around your home or yard. Scrub and refill pet water dishes and birdbaths regularly.

Defend with an insect repellent containing DEET when outdoors and reapply according to the directions.

Dress in long pants, long sleeves and closed-toe shoes when outside.

Dusk to Dawn is the prime time for mosquito activity, and when you should EPA-registered repellent outdoors.

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