
Northbrook Rotary installs 2023-24 board

Celebrating its 58th year, the Rotary Club of Northbrook recently installed its 2023-24 board of directors.

Former Northbrook Village President Sandy Frum was selected president. She succeeds immediate past President Mitch Portugal.

Officers include Denis Pollina, president-elect and sergeant at arms; Beverly Hides-Moriello, secretary; and David Masters, treasurer.

Rotary board members include: Helen Rivkin, Kathi Quinn, John Howard, Courtney Olson, Gary Moriello, Michael Ellison, Jim Kucienski, Rick Rivkin, Debbie Madeley, Jeff Tideman and Sandra Whitmore.

Rotary Club of Northbrook, which meets weekly, provides scholarships to deserving students, organizes food drives for those in need, and supports community development projects.

"Through our various service projects and initiatives, we address a wide range of critical issues, including education, health, poverty, hunger and environmental sustainability," Frum said.

"We collaborate with local organizations, schools and businesses to maximize our impact and create lasting change. Our club is dedicated to serving to change lives. We build fellowship and camaraderie through service to our local community," she said.

This year's club motto, courtesy of Rotary International President Gordon McNally of Scotland, is "Create Hope in the World."

For more information on the club, visit

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