
Facts Matter: Republicans did not announce plans to gut benefits

An image circulating on social media appears to show an agenda worked up by House Republicans going into the midterms.

An Oct. 17 Instagram post of the graphic, which includes the GOP's "Commitment to America" logo, says if Republicans take control of Congress after the next election, their plan is to tax disabled veteran benefits, tax employer-sponsored health care, eliminate Social Security benefits for people with retirement plans or a pension, and provide Medicare only to people age 75-90.

Text with the post reads, "Sound horrible? At least the GOP come out and admit their evil plans."

Various versions of the post appeared on Twitter and Facebook.

But the image is not real, according to USA Today. The graphic was created using parts of the Republican's agenda.

The actual "Commitment to America" plan is focused on reducing crime, boosting the economy and strengthening Social Security and Medicare benefits. There is nothing in the agenda that includes cutting or taxing these plans.

Mark Bednar, a spokesperson for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, told USA Today the digitally altered graphic was fake and it included false information.

Misinformation on Trump, Pelosi

After new video released by the House Jan. 6 Committee earlier this month, a previously debunked claim has resurfaced on social media.

The video shows House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Jan. 6, 2021, hunkering down in the Capitol during the riot, on the phone, trying to get military help. At one point during the clip, Pelosi said if former President Donald Trump was there, she would "punch him out."

Some social media users posted the new video along with old claims.

"Trump signed an order to deploy 20,000 Guardsmen on J6. It was refused by the House sergeant at arms, who reports to Nancy Pelosi," read a post on Gettr, and shared on Instagram and Twitter.

But this claim, first debunked two days after the insurrection, is still false, according to The Associated Press. Trump wasn't involved in getting the National Guard to the Capitol and Pelosi didn't try to stop them.

There is no evidence Trump signed an order for any troops. The Guard was activated and deployed around Washington. When the rioting began, Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser requested the troops help at the Capitol. His request went to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and was then approved by Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller.

Since Congress does not oversee the National Guard, neither Pelosi, nor the House sergeant at arms, could stop the deployment of troops.

In fact, in video taken during the attack, Pelosi is calling for the National Guard's assistance.

Research not about chemtrails

A story that aired on CNBC was used to further the belief in chemtrails, a previously debunked conspiracy theory. Some have claimed condensation trails left in the air by planes are actually dangerous chemicals being discharged as part of a nefarious and secret plot.

"Chemtrails are real. I've literally had numerous videos taken down talking about this, and now they're admitting it. This is from CNBC, like - stratospheric aerosol injections," a TikTok user posted.

But that's not what the story is about, according to The Associated Press.

The Oct. 13 CNBC story, headlined "White House is pushing ahead research to cool Earth by reflecting back sunlight," is about a plan for aerosol injections, based on volcanic eruptions that emit sulfur into the atmosphere.

The sulfur becomes "highly reflective microscopic droplets," Indiana University professor Ben Kravitz told the AP. The droplets "reflect some sunlight back to space, and it cools the planet a little bit," Kravitz said. "Stratospheric aerosol injection is built on that idea - if nature can cool the planet, maybe we can do it on purpose." The plan is in the research stage and is not currently being used.

Moon landing wasn't filmed in Nevada

A video making the rounds on social media claims the 1969 Apollo moon landing was fake.

"Wikileaks releases moon landing cut scenes filmed in the Nevada desert," reads text in an Oct. 23 Instagram post.

The moon landing was real, but this video is fake, according to PolitiFact.

The video includes actual footage from the moon landing along with behind-the-scenes clips from the 1977 movie "Capricorn One," a fictional film about faking a mission to Mars. The movie was filmed in the Mojave Desert in California, and Yuma, Arizona, but not Nevada.

This video doesn't appear anywhere on the WikiLeaks website, PolitiFact said.

• Bob Oswald is a veteran Chicago-area journalist and former news editor of the Elgin Courier-News. Contact him at

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