
Letter to the Editor: Candidates will listen to you

A few months ago, almost 1,000 Northbrook voters signed a petition for a referendum that would have asked Northbrook voters whether the Village's new "affordable housing" ordinance should prioritize Northbrook's senior citizens.

The referendum question would've been on the ballot for the April 6 election.

Opponents who do not want to prioritize Northbrook seniors filed an objection, and current Village Board members blocked the referendum. That objection was filed by a staunch ally and supporter of the Caucus candidates.

The Caucus-endorsed candidates currently on the Village Board, Kathryn Ciesla, Muriel Collison, and Dan Pepoon, did not support the voter referendum.

They did not want to know your opinion.

You can let the Caucus candidates know your opinion about them by voting on April 6.

Vote for the candidates who have pledged to always listen to you and to always support local seniors: Vote for Gene Marks, Robert Burns, Chris Lay, and Ana Mendez McGuinnes.

Robert Holt


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