
Letter: A genuine desire to connect with residents

I met Kathryn Ciesla and Muriel Collison about four years ago, in the months leading up to the 2017 election. I met them while attending a few meet-and-greet type of opportunities. I've enjoyed getting to know them through their roles on the Board and I respect them both tremendously. Having said that, I want to make clear that I'm not "friends" with either, in the sense of personal relationships or spending time together.

Right away, I was impressed by how open and honest they seemed. It was clear that they value our community tremendously; that they are smart and thoughtful about challenges that our community faces and that their hearts are in the right place. I easily voted for them.

I attended my first Village Board meeting in support of Providence Farm (at the time a very controversial idea that might have never happened; presently the most amazing nook in Northbrook that is home to some of the most lovely humans in our community, who happen to struggle with substance use disorders). Through a very ugly process, they both stayed focused and determined to make a fair decision.

This was frankly a really emotional experience for me, so I'm going to be careful not to spend too much time on it, but the Board (with Kathryn's and Muriel's yes votes) did allow PF to become a real life home for real life young people with real life futures and hopes and dreams. Many individual lives and families have been impacted in endlessly positive ways because of their votes.

I stand pretty far left, politically, so it does not come as a surprise that I've disagreed with the Board's decisions before. I'm sure they were not very surprised when I've reached out I say so.

What really matters to me, is that I was met by these two with warmth and compassion and a genuine desire to connect about the issues I raised.

We will not always agree with those we elect, but what's much more important to me is the way they respond when I disagree; the way they respect the opportunity to thoughtfully represent us; their compassion for everyone in our community; their intelligence and candor; their advocacy for our local small businesses and for issues surrounding mental health and disabilities.

Because of COVID, I've only briefly met Dan Pepoon and Joy Ebhomielen, but I've done my homework and like what I've learned about them. I find myself trusting them similarly to the way I trusted Kathryn and Muriel. And now that I have four years of data to validate that trust, I further trust them when they tell me that Dan and Joy are equally worthy of my vote. On top of that, all four are caucus endorsed candidates and have gone out of their way to make themselves available to answer questions, honestly and directly. If you don't know who you're voting for, absolutely reach out to them!

Sojourney Rallo


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