
Pottawatomie Garden Club getting ready for fall

The Pottawatomie Garden Club planted fall flowers in downtown St. Charles on Wednesday, Sept. 20.

The next monthly meeting will be Monday, Sept. 25, at the Baker Memorial United Methodist Church, 307 Cedar Ave. in St. Charles.

The meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. with a social time followed by a presentation on raptors.

Mark Speyer of the Stillman Nature Center in South Barrington will bring several raptors and discuss "Whoooo's in My Garden?"

The community is welcome. For more information, go to

For almost 100 years, Pottawatomie Garden Club members have planted flowers on the Main Street and Illinois Street bridges, and around the Municipal building each spring and fall. They also honor past members with the Memorial Tree Program, and they present an annual Landscape Commendation Award to businesses in St. Charles Township.

The club also awards annual scholarships to horticulture students and provides support to gardening and environmental projects in the community.


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