
Zebra Technologies introduces Zebra Pay

LINCOLNSHIRE - Zebra Technologies Corp. Tuesday launched Zebra Pay, a mobile payment solution for the retail, hospitality, entertainment, field mobility and logistics industries.

Zebra Pay transforms Zebra mobile computers and tablets into secure payment terminals, the company said.

Featuring enterprise-grade security, this solution is unique in the marketplace as it runs on standard Google Mobile Services (GMS) and the latest Android operating system (OS), Zebra said. As a software-based, pin entry, consumer off the shelf solution, Zebra Pay enables businesses to accept payments on Zebra's multifunctional mobile computers and tablets.

"Developed to elevate the customer experience and increase associate productivity, Zebra Pay delivers a true multifunctional mobile device that can handle mobile payments, reducing the need for dedicated payment terminals and opening new paths to accept payments," said Julie Johnson, senior vice president and general manager, Enterprise Mobile Computing, Zebra Technologies.

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