
Blackhawk Troop 11 Scouts aid Hesed House shelter

BSA Scouts pitched in at Hesed House homeless shelter in Aurora Saturday, Aug. 26.

From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., 13 Scouts and eight adults wielded hand saws and power tools to clear overgrown brush and plants near Hesed's women's shelter. The project was designed to improve safety at the facility.

The crew from Blackhawk Troop 11, based at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora, was led by Connor McMenamin, 17, of Montgomery.

A senior at Oswego High School, he organized the effort to complete requirements for his Eagle Scout award, the highest rank attainable in the Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America. It will be presented in a court of honor at Wesley.

McMenamin joined Scouts as a Cub in first grade. He is the son of Marie and Neil McMenamin of Montgomery.

Aurora resident Leo Agnew, 11, hauls brush at a grounds cleanup at Hesed House homeless shelter in Aurora by BSA Scout Troop 11 Saturday, Aug. 26. Courtesy of Al Benson

Initially chartered by Wesley in 1916, Blackhawk Troop is chartered by Walter E. Truemper American Legion Post 1944 of Aurora. The second-oldest troop in Illinois, Troop 11 is part of BSA Three Fires Council based in St. Charles.

Since its formation, about 200 members of Troop 11 have earned the Eagle Scout award. Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of Scouts - 2.5 million - have earned the Eagle after a lengthy review process.

Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges.

An Eagle Scout candidate must demonstrate Scout spirit, an attitude based on the Scout Oath and Law, service and leadership.

Included is an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads and manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognize the accomplishments of the Scout.

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