
How could we call this success?

In his March 7 column, Ed Murnane suggests that Trump's first six weeks may be a sign that his first term "can be a success." But, can you possibly see this as success?

Although the evidence that burning of fossil fuels causes climate change is accepted by 97 percent of climate scientists, this president clings to his position that it is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, and he wants to kill the Paris accords.

He also has taken steps to destroy protections of our air and water by putting an EPA enemy in charge of that agency.

He has as his chief adviser a well-known fascist and anti-Semite. His rantings have contributed to desecration of Jewish cemeteries, bomb threats at Jewish schools and shootings of people believed to be Muslim.

Trump lies when it suits him and invents "alternative facts" to cover his inability to accept the real ones. A man with his character does not deserve to be our president.

Anatole Crane

Barrington Hills

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