
2023 Best of the Best Winner: Feagans Law Group PC

Every year, as part of the Daily Herald Media Group's Readers' Choice program, we ask readers to vote for their favorites in more than 200 categories, including the areas of dining, entertainment, business, shopping, places and people. This year, readers responded with more than 63,000 votes, which we narrowed down to the top vote-getters in each category, and featured in our "Top Picks" special section.

Readers voted again for their favorites - 100,000 votes! - to narrow it down to the 2023 Readers' Choice Best of the Best Winners! We are proud to showcase some of these winners with more information about who they are and what they offer.

2023 Best of the Best Winner: Feagans Law Group PC


• 2023 Best Law Firm

Describe your business and/or services.

A relationship-driven injury law firm that takes a concierge-level approach to representing and truly serving our clients.

What do customers say they like about the way you do business?

We have spent the time, effort and resources to build relationships throughout the community with doctors, medical facilities, accountants, estate planners, eldercare consultants and more. There are so many different types of professionals that our clients might need - we have them at our fingertips for them, and also to help us as we put each case together to make it the most all-encompassing for their recovery - the strongest and most profitable case that it can be.

What have you learned over the years that helps make your business a "Readers' Choice- Best of the Best" pick?

It's our approachability. All of our clients have our cel phone numbers - they have for the last 10 years. So what makes us initially different and what allows us to stand apart is that when we take your case, you're not just calling a call center or an answering service and getting forwarded to a mailbox, you're reaching out to us via cell so that we can help you directly.

What makes your business or service unique?

One thing that stands out is that we are truly a family business. My wife and I started the firm, we work it day in and day out, and we're constantly talking to one another about this case or that case, this situation or that. The level of oversight and thoughtfulness this brings when you're constantly talking about scenarios that can help your clients is far, far above the typical that one might see for a group of lawyers who see each other maybe 6 or 7 hours a day at most.

Why do you think you were voted a Readers' Choice Best of the Best?

In addition to really connecting with our clients, we have made it our purpose to connect with the community. It's those relationships I mentioned. So the benefit there is that when someone asks, "Who's the best attorney," or "Who should I talk to about this legal situation" - we not only have thousands of clients that are handing out our name, we have thousands of connections throughout the community that are saying, "Call Josh, call Katie."

What's the hottest trend in your industry?

The biggest trend, really, is the expansion of the consumer-based injury firm into our area. And we've seen that over the last decade or so. They're not from here, they're not even from Illinois. And they're coming in and trying to tell consumers that they can do a better job than the local attorney can. But they don't know who the judges are, they don't know who the other attorneys are, they don't know anything about the doctors in our area. You will call in, get a call center typically in some other country - and you do that because you may have been impressed by the fancy commercials or big billboards. With our firm, since we have started practicing law, we've focused on local business, with referrals coming from the community, from practitioners and other attorneys - and we'll continue to do so.

Does your company donate time or money to any philanthropic causes? If so, what causes?

We're very involved with Casa Kane County and a number of other causes. Currently one of Katie's biggest passions is helping refugees through a 501(c)3 in Geneva called Radical Love. We have made it our mission to get involved locally and, as a firm, we're all very excited about the good we're doing in the community and beyond.

What community involvement does your business participate in?

We have been intimately involved in a number of organizations, such as Casa Kane County and the St. Charles Area Chamber of Commerce. My wife and I are both board members at the Kane County Bar Association. I've been involved with almost every youth league imaginable. And my wife is heavily involved in the Brookfield Zoo Women's Board - just to name a few. We take our involvement in these organizations very seriously.

What do you do to make your business a good place to work for your employees?

We're a family business. We have a larger staff than most firms around here, but in the general sense we're still small - there's eight of us, including my wife and me. So it's the little things. We go out of our way to ensure that breakfast is brought in regularly. We take our employees out to lunch to talk with them about how work and life is going, things like that. We typically have team-building outings in the winter and summer at a resort or some kind of vacation destination. And we're all excited about the brand new office we've just opened in Geneva, where we went out of our way to create an environment that everyone here would enjoy working in. We try to build a culture that we all like, one that ensures a good work-life balance for us all, not just the partners.

What is one interesting fact about your company that most people may not know?

You know, even though my wife and I are both dedicated to helping injury victims, we actually started on the other side of the coin. When we were younger, as attorneys, we worked in Chicago in insurance defense firms, and we saw both the good and the bad that environment had to offer. We made a real conscious decision some years later to get on the other side of that to do more good for people - to try to champion their rights and fix what that broken system causes. To read the complete interview with Josh Feagans, go to:

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