
Get garden beds in tiptop shape before planting

If you are running late getting your garden cleaned up, it is OK to continue removing garden debris from beds and cutting back perennials. The perennials have begun growing, so be very careful when cutting them back and removing debris to avoid damaging new shoots.

Cut perennials back higher above ground to help avoid damaging new growth. Be gentle if you are using a rake in your perennial borders as the new growth of perennials can be easily damaged.

• Many garden beds have irregular edges. Beds look better and are easier to mow along if they have smooth, flowing curves.

To clean up your edges, use a pliable garden hose or rope to lay out your new bed line. All clumps of grass should be removed from the bed using a straight-edged shovel. Any clods of soil removed should be broken up and spread around.

Avoid the "volcano effect" around trees that is caused by piling soil and mulch up around the trunk.

• Use an electric hand grinder to sharpen your spades. New spades do not have sharp edges and keeping the spades sharp will make gardening much easier.

Try to keep the blade edge angle consistent as you sharpen and keep the grinder moving to avoid having the blade get too hot. If the metal starts to turn blue or black, this is a sign the metal is too hot, which takes the temper out and weakens the blade.

Be sure to use personal protective gear when you are sharpening blades, as the electric grinder is noisy and will throw off sparks. Wear gloves, ear protection and eye protection.

• When turning on your irrigation system for the first time this year, monitor each zone to ensure uniform coverage and check for winter damage. Sprinkler heads can become plugged or not rotate properly, leaving dry areas.

Soft, excessively wet spots in the lawn during dry spells can indicate a leak in the system.

• Tim Johnson is director of horticulture at Chicago Botanic Garden,

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