
Romanian doctors issue 'cry of despair' amid virus surge

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - Romanian doctors sent an open letter Wednesday titled 'œa cry of despair'ť as the country's overwhelmed and deteriorated health care system copes with a record-setting surge of coronavirus infections and deaths.

The College of Physicians of Bucharest, a nongovernmental organization representing doctors in Romania's capital, said in a letter addressed to Romanians that the medical system has 'œreached the limit'ť and that low vaccination rates reveal a 'œfailure of trust'ť between doctors and the population.

'œWe are desperate because every day we lose hundreds of patients who die in Romanian hospitals,'ť the letter reads. 'œWe are desperate, because, unfortunately, we have heard too many times: I can't breathe.'¦ I'm not vaccinated.'ť

Romania, a country of 19 million people, is the European Union member nation with the population second-least vaccinated against COVID-19. Just 34% of its adults are fully inoculated, compared to an EU average of 74%.

On Tuesday, Romania reported daily pandemic records of nearly 17,000 new confirmed cases and 442 deaths. Data from health authorities indicate that more than 90% of coronavirus patients who died last week were unvaccinated against COVID-19.

'œEvery day we witness tragedies: dying patients, suffering families, doctors who have reached the end of their powers,'ť the letter from Bucharest's doctors reads.

The pressure on hospitals prompted Romanian officials last week to suspend nonemergency medical procedures for 30 days and to ask the EU for help.

Janez Lenarcic, the EU commissioner for crisis management, said last week that the EU would send 250 oxygen concentrators to Romania, which on Tuesday received 5,200 doses of monoclonal antibodies from Italy. Several dozen COVID-19 patients will also be sent to intensive care units in Hungary this week.

Dragos Zaharia, a primary care doctor at Bucharest's Marius Nasta Institute of Pneumology, thinks Romanian authorities should have enlisted a 'œfamous personality'ť to lead the country's vaccination campaign.

'œOnly anonymous guys are leading this fight," Zaharia told The Associated Press. 'œIt's heartbreaking for us when we know that a lot of those who died could have lived, if they would have been vaccinated.'ť


This version corrects city reference in sixth paragraph to Bucharest, not Budapest.

Medical staff attend to patients in the emergency room, turned into a CODIV-19 unit due the high number of cases, at the Bagdasar-Arseni hospital in Bucharest, Romania, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021. Romania reported on Tuesday nearly 17,000 new COVID-19 infections and 442 deaths, the highest number of coronavirus infections and deaths in a day since the pandemic started, as the nation's health care system struggles to cope with an acute surge of new cases.(AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru) The Associated Press
A man breathes through an oxygen mask in the emergency room, turned into a CODIV-19 unit due to the high number of cases, at the Bagdasar-Arseni hospital in Bucharest, Romania, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru) The Associated Press
Patients lie on beds in the emergency room, turned into a CODIV-19 unit due the high number of cases, at the Bagdasar-Arseni hospital in Bucharest, Romania, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021. Romania reported on Tuesday nearly 17,000 new COVID-19 infections and 442 deaths, the highest number of coronavirus infections and deaths in a day since the pandemic started, as the nation's health care system struggles to cope with an acute surge of new cases.(AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru) The Associated Press
Patients lie on beds in the emergency room, turned into a CODIV-19 unit due the high number of cases, at the Bagdasar-Arseni hospital in Bucharest, Romania, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021. Romania reported on Tuesday nearly 17,000 new COVID-19 infections and 442 deaths, the highest number of coronavirus infections and deaths in a day since the pandemic started, as the nation's health care system struggles to cope with an acute surge of new cases.(AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru) The Associated Press
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