
The joyful feeling of winning

I've yet to run into anyone who wants to be part of a losing team. We've all felt the joy of winning or witnessed the reactions of sports figures when they win a game or title. When interviewed they speak to the teamwork, effort and cooperation required by every member regardless of the position played. Often they are so overjoyed, the emotions so intense, that they can't find the words to describe their feelings. Frequently, they remind us that there is no "I" in team. Everyone is expected to do their part, if not they lose.

It puzzles me that there are so many Americans who prefer to lose, to not do their part in the efforts of Team USA to defeat the virus. Imagine Aaron Rodgers calling a play and having even one Packer say no. That's a losing team for sure.

If you can't or are unwilling to put your selfishness aside in favor of the team, then you are a member of a losing team. The virus wins, people die, the economy suffers (Except Funeral Homes, Monument Suppliers, Grave Yards and Florists) and we all have to protect ourselves with masks. Instead of experiencing the thrill of victory, we suffer the agony of prolonged losing.

I hate that feeling - don't you?

Please join Team USA, so we can all enjoy the wonderful feeling of winning and defeating COVID. Now that would be a joyful celebration worth attending.

John S Strauss

Campton Hills

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