
CityKey benefit: discounts on prescription drugs

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and City Clerk Anna Valencia have been accused of "suborning voter fraud" by allowing Chicago's CityKey municipal identification card to be used to register to vote.

They've also been hit with a rival bidder's politically-explosive claim that printing technology used to create the new ID compromises personal information that the city had promised to keep confidential to shield illegal immigrants from the threat of deportation.

On Monday, the 2019 running mates moved to make the controversial city ID more attractive to voters by providing a fourth side-benefit: discounts on name-brand and generic prescription drugs "at no direct cost to the city or participating residents."

"The price of a prescription should never be a barrier to any Chicagoan getting the medicine they need or achieving the health, well-being and quality of life they deserve," Emanuel was quoted as saying in a press release.

"Prescription drug prices are skyrocketing across the country. Here in Chicago we are going to help lower costs for consumers and save money for Chicago residents."

For the full story, click here.

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