
Central State University announces hiring of new president

WILBERFORCE, Ohio (AP) - Central State University on Friday announced the selection of its ninth president, naming the former head of Western Illinois University.

Jack Thomas, who left his Illinois position last year after eight years, replaces current Central State president Cynthia Jackson-Hammond.

Thomas called Central State, a historically black university, a special institution where he could contribute the most to its future success.

"We must think big, dream big and achieve our goals as a university,'ť said Thomas, who holds degrees from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Virginia State and Alabama A&M universities.

In Illinois, Thomas was under fire from alumni and others. The Quad-City Times reported last year that enrollment dropped 35% in the last decade, although administrators said that was due to many factors, including population trends and cuts in state support.

Central State said Thomas successfully managed Western Illinois' budget of nearly $224 million 'œduring a period of unprecedented fiscal challenges.'ť

Jackson-Hammond is stepping down also after eight years. During her tenure the school opened a new $33.5 million student center and a $24 million residence hall.

In December, Central State University was named a Fulbright HBCU Institutional Leader, an honor given to historically black colleges and universities.

The college has also been advancing plans to become the first public institution in the state to conduct hemp research. The university announced last year it had received $7.1 million in contributions toward current initiatives, including its new hemp research program.

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