
Ohio woman accused in Illinois teacher's death goes on trial

CHICAGO (AP) - A defense attorney claims during a murder trial of an Ohio woman that an argument over unprotected sex with two prostitutes led to a fight resulting in the death of a Roman Catholic high school teacher in his suburban Chicago home.

In an opening statement, Patrick O'Byrne said Tuesday 22-year-old Alisha Walker of Akron and another prostitute went to Al Filan's Orland Park home in January 2014, where the 61-year-old Brother Rice High School teacher agreed to pay each for sex.

O'Byrne says Filan became angry when the women refused to have intercourse without protection. He claims Walker tried to call police, but an angry Filan grabbed a knife, which Walker took away.

Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Jim Papa noted that during Walker's confrontation with Filan, she plunged the knife into the man "time after time after time."

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