
German court: Fans liable for club fines

KARLSRUHE, Germany (AP) - Germany's highest court has ruled that Bundesliga clubs can hold their fans liable for fines because of the supporters' misbehavior, such as lighting flares and setting off firecrackers, providing they can be identified.

Clubs whose fans use pyrotechnic devices at stadiums are routinely fined in Germany and the incidents are not uncommon despite soccer authorities' attempts to root out the habit.

The court was ruling on an appeal by Cologne, which was fined 80,000 euros ($89,200) after a fan set of a firecracker that injured seven other fans at match in February 2014.

The club sought 30,000 euros ($33,450) in compensation from the fan, but a court in Cologne dismissed the case. It will now have to hear the case again.

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