
Kane County Health Department and sheriff’s office join forces to offer free CPR classes

In recognition of National Heart Month in February, the Kane County Sheriff’s Office and the Kane County Health Department have teamed up to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the public.

CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure that can sustain someone in cardiac arrest or whose heart has stopped beating. It helps maintain blood circulation and oxygenation until professional medical help arrives. By knowing CPR, you can provide immediate assistance in emergency situations, potentially saving a life.

When more people in a community are trained in CPR, the overall safety of that community increases. For that reason, the health department and the sheriff’s office are offering CPR classes for free.

“Learning CPR is a powerful tool that empowers individuals to become immediate lifesavers in their communities,” said Michael Isaacson, health department executive director. “By acquiring this knowledge, residents play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between a life-threatening emergency and the arrival of professional medical help.”

There are four classes available in February with 120 open slots. These classes, compliant with the American Heart Association’s Heart Saver CPR course, are intended for educational purposes and will not provide certification. To register for a free CPR class, got

To learn more about KCHD’s role in emergency preparedness, visit

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