
Lynn Janu: Candidate Profile

River Trails Park Board (6-year Term)

Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: Mount ProspectWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: River Trails Park Board (6-year Term)Age: Candidate did not respond.Family: Married, 2 children and 4 grandchildrenOccupation: RetiredEducation: Candidate did not respond.Civic involvement: Candidate did not respond.Elected offices held: Park CommissionerHave you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: NoCandidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 Giving our constituents the best value for their money.Key Issue 2 Utilizing our open space in the best possible way.Key Issue 3 Candidate did not respond.Questions Answers What programs aren't paying for themselves? Would you keep, eliminate or change them? How and why?Sometimes keeping programs that don't pay for themselves is a good idea if it helps needy families. We have also created a foundation to aid in covering usage costs where needed.Is there any additional open space the park district needs to acquire? Please describe.We are basically landlocked with no new space currently available.Are there any unmet recreational needs? If yes, what are they and how would you propose paying for them? Or, should they wait until the economy improves?We do surveys of our residents to gather information on any new facilities or programs that they feel are needed. We are always investigating new programs and deleting ones that are not being used adequately.Would you support sharing/pooling resources (i.e. printing, vehicles) with other local governments (school districts, village, etc.)? If so, what areas would you consider combining or merging to save money or improve efficiency?We have several joint programs with surrounding school and park districts to share programs, costs and facilities. We firmly believe this is a great asset to our residents as we have done this for over 30 years.If you are a newcomer, what prompted you to run for the park board? If you're an incumbent, list your accomplishments or key initiatives in which you played a leadership role.Candidate did not respond.