
Seals is not a career politician

Dan Seals is the right candidate to vote for in the 10th Congressional Democratic election for many reasons. We need to send problem solvers with fresh ideas to represent us in Washington. I've seen two of the debates and been to two of the issues forums, and it is obvious that Seals has new ideas to help solve some of the biggest problems of our country.

We need to send outsiders to D.C., not career politicians. Dan Seals has business experience and holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and he understands what small business needs to create jobs. He said his first priority will be to make sure that the economic recovery is one that creates jobs.

At the debates it was clear that he is the only candidate who understands how out of control our deficits are and stands alone in committing to reducing the national debt and getting our fiscal house in order. Seals' other education and background in economics and public policy is a strength he shows when he talks about how he will attack this very serious problem.

At a Women's Health Forum that Seals hosted, he presented problems that affect women's health care and committed to being an advocate for the National Institutes for Health and promoting the research and new technologies to promote women's wellness.

But most importantly, Dan Seals is the candidate who deserves your vote because he stood up for us when it wasn't easy. We Democrats of the 10th district asked him to run and supported him when it was very hard for him to win.

Now is our time to vote for Dan Seals, the only candidate who will bring the experience, policies, and fresh ideas to Washington with out any baggage from Springfield.

Ann Ryan

Arlington Heights