
Kirk behind - and beside - our troops

President Obama announced he will be deploying an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

Whether you agree with this decision or not, it is now evident we will have troops in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future. So the question I have for my fellow voters is: If we are going to remain in Afghanistan, shouldn't we elect a senator who knows first hand what the situation on the ground is in Afghanistan, and will be ready to help shape policy from day one?

I believe we should, and that is why I am supporting 10th District Congressman Mark Kirk for Senate.

For the past 10 years Mark Kirk has had two jobs. He represents his constituents in the Capitol during the week, and on weekends he moves over to the Pentagon for his Naval Reserve service. Kirk is a 19-year veteran of the Naval Reserve and holds the rank of commander. Last December, Kirk became the first sitting U.S. congressman to be deployed to an overseas conflict since the 1940s when he served with the U.S. Marines in Afghanistan working to shut down the Taliban's opium production.

Mark Kirk knows the challenges our men and women in Afghanistan face because he's faced those challenges himself.

In times of war, our elected representatives have a solemn responsibility to support our men and women in uniform and ensure they come home safe. I can think of no man better equipped to do that than Congressman Kirk. He has served with them, he has fought beside them, and, as our senator, he will fight for them.

Vic Giovannini

U.S. Army, Retired
