
Lake County Fielders hold first practice

It only took a few minutes for the players to open the dozens of cardboard boxes that lined the dugout.

Inside were fresh new bats, and the guys picked their favorites, and took some practice swings.

The new Lake County Fielders minor league baseball team held their first-ever practice on Thursday. With stadium construction still under way, the team worked out at Zion-Benton High School in Zion.

As players practiced bunts and base-stealing, they caught the attention of the high school students and a handful of fans who showed up to watch.

"I've been waiting 17 years for this," said fan Mike Gallo of Gurnee. "I'm excited like a little kid. It's great to watch spring training and not have to fly to Arizona."

Gallo, a Lake Forest firefighter, said his schedule worked out perfectly so he could be at the first-ever practice. He expects to see some very talented players.

"The Northern League is a quality league," he said. "It's not like some of those fly-by-night leagues."

The scheduled June 11 home opener is just weeks away but the stadium is far from completed.

The original site location was changed from Green Bay Road and Ninth Street to the northeast corner of Green Bay Road and Route 173 by Zion and Fielders officials.

Exactly where that home opener will be played isn't clear yet, but that didn't bother Gallo.

"I'm a little concerned, but I'm holding out hope," Gallo said. "I'll be here June 11. I know that much."

Five spring exhibition games are on the schedule for the Fielders. The first will be played against the Schaumburg Flyers on May 8 at Alexian Field in Schaumburg, officials said.

The team is holding a job fair May 19, from 5 to 10 p.m. at Zion Benton High School.

The Fielders are part of the independent Northern League. The team is owned by a group of real-estate developers and is leased to Grand Slam Sports & Entertainment, the Fielders' parent company. Richard Ehrenreich is the firm's president.

Manager Fran Riordan ran the team through the fundamentals under a bright blue sky Thursday. The guys held batting and pitching practice and fielded hundreds of balls hit by Riordan and his fungo bat.

"I love this," said fan Leo Nunn of Zion. "I really hope they do well, but it's tough for a new team to get top players. If we can play .500, I'd be happy with that."

Lake County Fielders pitcher Michael Causey fires a fastball during the new minor league baseball team's first-ever practice Thursday. Vincent Pierri | Staff Photographer

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<li><a href="/story/?id=378915">Still a chance Fielders will have a field by home opener <span class="date">[5/6/10]</span></a></li>



