
Letter: Education experience is asset for candidate

Alison Prochaska would be a fantastic addition to the D41 school board. My family has gotten to know her family well through school, baseball and hockey and I've gotten to know her personally through an incredible group of moms with young kids in Glen Ellyn. Alison is a mother to twins and is intelligent, straightforward, levelheaded and a great mix of confidence and humility.

A unique thing she brings to the table is that her 15+ years of experience in education has been in various capacities, so she has an extensive understanding of the inner workings of schools and school districts - from teaching to administration, working with parents, discipline, curriculum and the leadership hiring process.

Alison would be an excellent teammate and a great representation of the community. Having young kids in the school district, she will be directly impacted by the school board's decisions for years to come and I have no doubt she will be motivated not only to listen to the community, but to proactively seek out what is needed to add, change, or refine to make this the best possible district for her children and every single child in the D41 community.

Alison Prochaska is the only new candidate running against three current board members. To increase her chances of getting elected, vote only for her in this race. You can vote for just one; your vote will still count.

Chalet Vavrek

Glen Ellyn

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