
Glen Ellyn should OK deal with COD

The leadership of the village of Glen Ellyn wants you to believe that until recently their relationship with the college has always been harmonious and that our recent decision to pursue de-annexation from the village is sudden and unreasonable. In actuality, relations have regularly been contentious since our founding. To keep the peace, COD, a multijurisdictional district governed by laws and regulations of the state, often allowed the village to have its way, ceding far more control than required.

In 2008, realizing the existing agreement gave the village more authority than necessary and hindered our ability to serve the district, we exited the arrangement. The village subsequently began an aggressive campaign, interfering with campus improvements and levying unreasonable fines against the college. For the past several months, we have negotiated in good faith to create a new intergovernmental agreement and move beyond this impasse. Village leadership requested countless changes — repeatedly moving the goal post every time we believed an end was near and leading both sides to spend more than $250,000 in legal fees.

A mutual agreement was drafted April 19, and the college, per assurances from the village, placed the item before its board on April 28. Just before its approval, however, the village requested additional language relating items including weed control, parades and littering.

The COD board declined the last minute request and approved the April 19 agreement. The village subsequently tabled the issue. They have simply yet again changed their minds.

No one is more concerned, or legally liable, for the safety of our students, employees and visitors than the college. We take the charge far more seriously than any other entity possibly could. I strongly urge the village to approve the agreement struck on April 19.

David Carlin


COD board chairman

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