
lkbrowdy. RW. 0310

I am writing an endorsement letter favoring Mike Nerheim for Lake County state’s attorney. When I first met Mike, I was a victim in a case he prosecuted as an assistant state’s attorney.

Then, several years ago I found myself in need of legal representation for a civil case in Lake County. I called the Lake County state’s attorney’s office, explained my problem and asked what next? They advised I contact a lawyer in Lake County with criminal prosecution experience. I learned Mike had recently left the state’s attorney’s office to work in private practice. At first I was struck by his baby face and youthful exuberance but knew he had to have extensive experience as a former assistant state’s attorney.

That was all I knew about him; however, I was impressed by his easy communication and people skills, and willingness to answer my questions even though my case was trivial. I told him I believed core principles were involved and learned that we shared common values and that he truly cared about fairness and outcomes. This was a tiny case, but outcomes were favorable. It was during the follow-ups that I began to know Mike and his dedication to community and his commitment to family values as a caring son, husband and father. Only later did I learn of his in-depth training and prosecutorial skills.

I learned about his decision to seek public office when I met him at a charity gathering for Lamb’s Farm. When I asked why he was willing to expose himself to the personal abuses of public office, he replied simply, “Because I care.”

Mike has my full endorsement and I hope in sharing this tale with others I provide a convincing story that sets him apart from other candidates and provides convincing reason to elect him as Lake County’s new state’s attorney.

Noel S. Browdy
