
Seals distorts Dold abortion stance

As a lifelong Democrat and supporter of Mark Kirk, I am outraged and disgusted at the latest attempt by the Dan Seals campaign to distort Robert Dold's support of a woman's right to choose. Seals is misleading voters as well as trying to redefine pro-choice. His newest flyer to hit mailboxes tries to suggest that Robert Dold, like his supporters, wants to criminalize a woman's right to choose. This is simply not true.

Robert Dold is pro-choice and always has been. His position has not changed since he began running in the primary. Apparently to some, if you don't support federal funding of abortions, you are not pro-choice. As the words imply, either you believe in the right to choose or not.

The Seals team knows that the only way they can win is by misrepresenting Dold's position regarding a woman's right to choose.

Robert Dold is the clear choice for Congress to represent the 10th district. He is fiscally responsible and a moderate on social issues.

Marjorie Shapiro

Highland Park