
Experience, values speak for Kirk

Why am I voting for Mark Kirk for Senate? Mark Kirk is fiscally conservative. Mark Kirk sees Illinois families living on budgets and knows Washington needs to do the same. He opposed Pelosi's stimulus program.

I have to agree with him; after the stimulus program I don't feel stimulated. Do you? All I see is huge national debt.

Kirk doesn't think the solution to the growing debt is increasing taxes across the board.In fact he has a track record of fighting to lower taxes on small businesses and family farms - populations that move our Illinois economy.

Kirk has been a congressman for five terms now; during which he has sat on numerous committees for national security, and has frequently voted to improve our border security.

He has authored bills to improve security in airports and to end U.S. financing for companies that deliver gasoline to Iran.

Mark Kirk's military experience is very impressive and illustrates his dedication to our country. He was the first House member to serve in an imminent danger zone since 1942 when he deployed as a reservist to Afghanistan in 2008. As a result, he has a far better understanding of military strategy, national security issues and how policy changes directly affect our military men and women. Being from a military family, this puts my mind at ease.

As a mother, I need someone in Washington with real experience and a real concern for Illinois families working for me.

Mark Kirk is that candidate.

Jena Mertz
