
Seals lacks real-world experience

I am amazed that the Daily Herald thinks that Dan Seals is a stronger fit for the 10th District than Bob Dold. This is Dan Seals' third attempt to try for this congressional seat.

If the Herald had looked at his resume, they would have found that he has not held a job for more than two years at a time. Mr. Seals was a teacher in Japan from 1993 to 1995. There is no job history from 1995 until 1997 when he was a Presidential Management Intern until 1998. There is no job history from 1998 until he worked at Sprint from 2001 to 2003.

Mr. Seals was then employed as director of Marketing with G.E. commercial finance from 2003 until he took a leave of absence to run for Congress in 2005. There is no real job history until 2009, when he did some consulting for Civic Consulting Alliance and The Point, an online service that helps charities and public campaigns with fundraising.

Dan Seals has not held a job in the private sector for more than four years. This sounds like a good fit for a career politician with very little experience in the real world most of us live in. We certainly do not need another person in government that has very little experience in the private sector, no experience in job creation and who will vote with the Democratic leadership in Washington.

We need to have someone that will listen to the people in the 10th District.

Richard L Olhava

Arlington Heights